I can't say I'm all too happy about the bannings. Sure I'm a little happy, but people are gonna do it anyways, and those people maybe like seriously abused for being JWs. Feel for em, hope everything works out right.
Obviously Secret
JoinedPosts by Obviously Secret
Moscow Witnesses Banned.
by Englishman inrussia: jehovah's witnesses come under pressure from officials
by don hill
the christian denomination jehovah's witnesses has its headquarters in new york and claims 6 million members around the world.
If you could go back to the time of Jesus
by JH in.
if you could go back to the time when jesus was on earth, and you could actually talk to him, what would you ask him?.
would you have followed him, knowing that the end was thousands of years away?
Obviously Secret
I'd ask him if he is God straight out. He'll mostlikely say some stuff like, "I am God's messenger. Me and the father are one." Nah I'm give him a good insight on what the future is, then ask him again. "ARE YOU GOD!!!" "SHOULD WE WORSHIP YOU DIRECTLY AND NOT CARE ABOUT A PERSON WHO IS HIGHER THAN YOU".
I'll have to learn Arabic first though.
Did you ever defend the Borg?
by dorothy ini remember when i first started studying i was always so quick to defend the borg if anyone said anything negative about them.
i didn't even have a reason to or had any business doing so because i was so new and didn't even really know anything about it.
and i absolutley refused to believe that they could be involved in child molestation, even going as far as refusing to watch the news shows exposing the real truth.
Obviously Secret
I defend the JW's when your generalizing them as uninteligent. But I usually fuel in the negativity when We talk about the WTS saying crap about a crap subject.
Counting Time..what your opinion?
by CaptK inwhen i was a dub i use to get so mad trying to get in the national average of 10 hours a month.
i would work during the week then get 2 - 2.5 hours on sat for maybe 8 - 10 hours a month.
others like the elders would always be above that average and a lot of the time some of these elders would skip out on vacation or who knows what on half of the saturdays.
Obviously Secret
I just totally realised something.. I have never seen my dad go out in field service. What crap.
July 15 Watchtower article on Blood
by XBEHERE inin the 7/15 wt i dont recall the exact page, i dont have the magazine here at work but there is a chart that lists blood, what components are up to you and which ones are not allowed at all.
anyway its very odd because they list which ones christians should avoid from left to right, i.e.
red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, etc.
Obviously Secret
Actually, fornication back then just meant prostitute.
Matters of concern with my time spent as part of the jehovah's witness cult
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. inas i reflect on my time spent as a jw, there are certain issues that continue to disturb me about my conduct and lifestyle as a member of that so-called 'religion'.. from the outset, let me state that i did not suffer any physical, sexual, or mental abuse from any members of the cult, that so unfortunately was inflicted upon many persons who now can gladly consider themselves as ex-members of that sorry excuse for a humane (or godly, whichever way you prefer to recognise it) organisation.
certainly, there were conflicts of personality, and some bad business dealings, but, really, i consider that i 'got off lightly' from the fifteen or so years i wasted as a member.. one thing is certain - that no-one, i repeat, no-one, can spend any time as part of that cult and, who manages to escape, who will come away unscathed.
all will carry some form of scar.. so what are my concerns?
Obviously Secret
I can see your heart brotha. I went through some crap myself.
I try not to redicule the members of it too much because nobodies perfect. Shoot they must be misguided but even people who finally get out have their own problems to face so I don't like to redicule them just cause they are in it. Everybody has crap in their lives ya know?
But it's always best to be positive though. Unless you want to vent like your doing now, be as negative as you want.
Why cannot some people say the words..."I love you".
by gumby inno.....i'm not gittin all mushy and stuff.......but i want to know why.. during a visit with my sis, we discussed how some have trouble expressing affection with love to the ones closest to them such as spouses, parents, or children.
about a week or so later, i talk to a friend i used to work with and he's telling me of how he and his wife are like strangers.
i asked him if he made her feel loved.
Obviously Secret
I never said "I love you" and meant it. The person hasn't came along yet. I'm much like Nos. My dad was freakin touching my trying to be fatherly cause I was crying like the whole week before, and I was so angry at him cause he doesn't give a second thought about me ever but when my mom gets on my case or when something happens he tries to be fatherly and he sucks ass at it. Made me more angry it's terrible.
I want to change that so badly though. I want to be able to really look into a person's eyes and say "I love you" with all my heart but it just haven't came around yet. Never. Kind of sucks in a way. I feel like a terrible terribler person at times cause I've never done anything for anybody out of love cause seriously, nobody has ever came.
I had one kid that I was really cool with for about 4 years. He talked to me even though I was throw up boy. And I always tried to do stuff that made him happy and stuff. Not in a homosexual way just trying to be friends. I can honestly say I love him. Not in no gay way but ya know in a friendly way. But that was cut short since I got arrested. Haven't talked to him since. But oh well. I can litterally not say I love you to anybody without throwing up. Sucky feelin when you think about it.
by Mary inwell, i got dragged, kicking and screaming talked in to going to the assembly yesterday as a friend of mine was in the drama.
what a freaking waste of time interesting experience.
first of all, i had a tough time squeezing my larger than life ass bum into a seat that looked like it was made for a house-elf small child.
Obviously Secret
Goin to college station, not this week but the week after next.
Whenever I think of death I think of sex
by logansrun inbe honest.
if you were raised a jw didn't you fear that you would die during the great tribulation and never have sex for all eternity (since ressurrected people don't have sex, according to the wt)?
whenever i think of an early demise -- nuclear war, for instance -- my thoughts almost automatically turn to, "i want to have sex.
Obviously Secret
The JWs don't believe there will be any sex involved in the "afterlife"?
Lol honey, most JW's wouldn't be in it if that was true.
Faithless apostate ridiculers, disaster is sure to befall you - July 15 WT
by truthseeker inhere are some loving, choice words from the watchtower empire.. .
july 15 - first study article page 10 .
do you find delight in the law of jehovah?.
Obviously Secret
ya that's the one thing that ticked me off most. They were calling my brother wicked so many times just because he went through some stuff. I'm like what the hell how is that loving when your calling my only brother wicked all the time.